Service, Activity and Solidarity
Project dates2009 - 2012
Project fieldİstanbul
collaborationsMinistry of Education
PROJEct summary
Educational system is not sufficently supporting and activating youth development in terms social responsibilities.
Target Group
- Primary and Secondary School students
Project Aims
- To make adolescents aware of the work NGOs, developed their sense social responsibility, promote volunteering, communicate the significance of social activities in terms of human development and promote fundamental skills such as communication and living together with each other differences.
Training is given to teachers in volunteering and ways to teach social responsibility.
- The students who sign up for the classes will acquire and develop basic communication skills, gain awareness of their strengths and areas for growth and learn how to plan and initiate social responsibility projects. Starting from 2009-2010 educational year, 2.385 students, 20 volunteer university students, 56 volunteer teachers, and 6 consultants were involved in this project The project has been implemented in 17 schools.